• Welcome to the Keith Adventure

    Rules of the game

    A simple text based adventure. You are transported to a mysterious land with no idea of how you got there. You must try to survive. But beware of the Keith, hes coming to get you...

  • You just woke up in a Meat canyon The sun beats down and vultures drift overhead What do you want to do?
    “KEET” you shout. Your Voice echoes around the fleshy walls of the Meat Canyon. Suddenly you hear a distant rumbling, you can feel the earth shake beneath your feet as great lumbering steps approach. Keith is coming…
    You cower behind the meat and tremble with fear. His thundering steps get louder and louder then they stop and his manly voice rings out “Who dares enter my meat canyon?”
    He roars angrily when theres no reply. “I can smell you, come out now or ill cook you up with some pesto” He bellows
    You can hear him start to slowly walk towards you. He sniffs the air and the world grows dark as he blots out the sun above you. You look up terrified and see him looking right down at you. He opens his mouth wide and before you can do anything he swallows you whole GAME OVER
    You slowly walk out to the middle of the canyon. There he is, the legendary Keith. He glares at you and bares his teeth releasing a growl. "Hello Keith, I am Michael Dolan. I come in peace, I only wish to look upon your mythical beauty" The Keith is flattered and a hint of a smile flashes across his chiselled features. “Why are you trespassing in my home?” He asks. You reply…
    You slowly look out and see him standing there proudly in the middle of the canyon. The Magnificent Keith, his luscious hair blowing in the wind, His body glistening in the midday sun. You are transfixed by his beauty and lean out further to get a better look. But the slippy meat ground betrays you and you fall out from behind the meat
    You excitedly lick your lips and try fix your hair to look better. Legends tell of keiths magical beauty. Some say all who look upon him are blinded by his sexiness
    Your floury baps now on show you strike a provocative pose as keith walks into sight.
    You run for your life down through the meaty valley. What were you thinking trying to see Keith. His Hunger and Rage is matched only by his beauty. None who see him have ever returned alive…
    The walls of the meat canyon are raw and juicy and there is a thick red liquid coming from them
    You press your hands against the meat to get some juice. The thick liquid slowly fills your cupped hands. You raise the liquid to your lips and tentatively sip at it. Its sweet and cold at first and you drink more freely. But as you drink more you suddenly start to feel your stomach swell as the liquid expands. Your whole body starts to grow and bloat as the meat canyon juice infects your body. You feel your hair grow thick and unstyled. A tooth falls from your mouth and you can feel your lower back grow hairy. You continue to swell and expand until you are truly gargantuan. You have become the keith, You weep tears of pesto and scream at the heavens in a mumble. GAME OVER
    You reach the top of the canyon. Before you is a great open dessert. It stretches for miles. Behind you is the meat canyon. On the horizon to the west are dark tall mountains, to the east a citys gleaming towers glisten in the sun, ahead to the north you can see nothing but rolling sand dunes To be continued
    The walls of the meat canyon are tough and lumpy at the base and you make good progress initially. You hear Keith coming down the canyon so try to climb faster to escape. Soon though the meat becomes fatty and slick. You start to struggle to hold on as the midday sun beats down on you making your hands even sweatier. You reach up to grab onto a bit of gristle but the piece breaks off and you fall backwards. You tumble down and down into the waiting mouth of the hungry Keith. GAME OVER
    You walk up to keith pull him in close by the hips and start passionately kissing keith.
    You reach the top of the canyon. Before you is a great open dessert. It stretches for miles. Behind you is the meat canyon. On the horizon to the west are dark tall mountains, to the east a citys gleaming towers glisten in the sun, ahead to the north you can see nothing but rolling sand dunes To be continued
    You reach the top of the canyon. Before you is a great open dessert. It stretches for miles. Behind you is the meat canyon. On the horizon to the west are dark tall mountains, to the east a citys gleaming towers glisten in the sun, ahead to the north you can see nothing but rolling sand dunes To be continued
    Welcome to the Keith Game. Come on an adventure to shift the keith…